The Body Keeps the Score By: Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. Book Review

What a powerful read! Renowned trauma expert. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk dove deep into trauma, its causes/effects offering a new paradigm to the understanding of trauma. This book is an eye opening read for mental health professionals. With over 3 decades of work, the book highlighted research and real-life experiences. It was an intense read and not recommended for those who potentially be triggered. His work in the field of trauma was pioneering for his time as we all know mental health care has come a long way but still has a way to go. I appreciated that he embraced holistic care to trauma and how the body physically responds to the effects of trauma. I also greatly appreciated how he highlighted the negative aspects of “Big Pharma” and newer techniques such as EMDR. Great read!

Key points and/or interesting aspects I took from the book:

1. A history of trauma can cause you physical pain.

2. Survivors of trauma are highly vulnerable to experiencing other traumatic events.

3. Seeking professional help and support is a MUST to recover at an age.


Important Things to Look For in a Therapist


Unwinding Anxiety By: Judson Brewer Book Review