Mental healthcare, what’s stopping you…

2020 has thrown us all into a loop, a rat race, a constant state of what’s next. Although 2021 is here, we are all still waiting to find out what’s going to happen next with this global pandemic. At some point we have all found ourselves lying in bed, in the dark, late at night in fear. With lock downs occurring globally this may be the first time many have actually been A-L-O-N-E. One thing about being alone is that it makes you “auto examine” yourself. Being alone makes you self-reflect and marinate in those thoughts and feelings that you’ve probably had for quite some time but just never got to. Why haven’t you gotten to those mental/emotional to do lists wading in your mind? Why haven’t you found a therapist? Well now more than ever we can all benefit from a mental health provider. Someone to help us unpack our emotional and mental health woes. May is Mental Health Awareness Month so let me help you get the ball rolling on finding mental health care and support.


We would all like to think the progressive vibes that are currently flourishing would abate the stigma that still exist around mental health. But no, the stigma is still there and its’ still debilitating for many people. What will people think? Am I crazy? With stigma comes a lack of understanding and huge amounts of fear. Fear to share your worries, struggles, thoughts with an ultimate stranger. Stigma not only affects the person struggling with mental health issues, but it also affects those around them such as family and friends. This can all be combatted by first and foremost talking openly about it. This doesn’t have to be a full-blown conversation; it can be a simple as sharing a mental health topic on your social media. Educating yourself about mental health can further combat the stigma associated with seeking help. We all have walking encyclopedias in our hands, look it up online! Most importantly, show compassion to yourself and to those struggling with mental illness. Being empathetic to those struggling can serve as an alliance to continue in the battle against the stigma.


Let’s face it finding a mental health provider can be DAUNTING! Where do I even start, you may be asking yourself. Sites such as can help you look for mental health providers in your area. Also, it can be as easy as calling your health insurance (if you have) and asking for a list of providers in your network. Also, asking your primary care physician for a referral or asking friends and family members for their recommendations. You may be happily surprised to find out that someone you know may be in therapy already. 


Some of you may be saying to yourself, “I can’t afford therapy and have no insurance.” Not to fret, now more than ever therapy is becoming more accessible to everyone regardless of socioeconomic status. What was once a “luxury” or only for those with the means is now available to more and more people. For those who do not have health insurance, many mental health providers offer services on a sliding fee scale. They see clients on a case-by-case basis and can work out a form of payment with you. I know of a particular practitioner who provided therapy to those without insurance on a donation basis. His clients would leave whatever they could afford anonymously in a box on their way out. Contacting local providers in your area regardless of your situation is a step in the right direction to seeking mental health care. 

 May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Raising awareness and education surrounding mental health issues of the upmost importance. The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of all of us. We are living an unprecedented time with many ups and downs. One thing is for certain, now more than ever mental health awareness is growing. Let’s continue to ride the wave of mental health awareness! Let’s seek help and support one another through our mental health journeys. Reach out, you’re not alone.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Text HELLO: 741741


Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It By: Ethan Kross Book Review